Buy Nothing Day Quaker Barter Fair, November 29, 2024, 1-4 pm
The Quaker Barter Fair offers the community an opportunity to share in the practice of the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, stewardship and earth care.
On the Friday after Thanksgiving come see how The Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Community and Stewardship encourage Friends to find creative ways to support each other without using money. In addition to creating a space to practice thinking together in a new way about how we place value on objects and services within our community, we offer a number of other ways to share information, services, and things.
And it is a Fair, with crafts, games and other activities for families and chldren, including, but not limited to
Plant and seed exchange
Master Gardener Presentation on Native Plants for your yard at 3 pm
Games and crafts
Story Tellers at Story Rock at 1:30 and 3:15
Colorful scarf labyrinth, learn more about labyrinths at
Live Concert from 2-3 pm by Jim Presley: Blues and Native American
To get involved, just come! Bring a table, shelf, rug or blanket to display your goods or a sign that describes your service(s). CHILDREN ARE WELCOME! Children are often the best models of how bartering can work. They have the ability to add value to an item by describing potential uses, and the creativity to negotiate three-way trades.
There will be a designated area for “free” items that you are willing to give to whomever wants them. Visitors may then use such items to barter and trade with if they wish. At the end of the day all items remaining at the “Free Table” will be donated to a local charity.
12:30 PM – Open for table setup
1:00 PM – Open to everyone – Games , Crafts, Labyrinth all day, story tellers before and after the music.
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Live Concert-Jim Presley will play Traditional Blues, Original Blues, and Native American Music
Rain Date Sat., December 7, 1-4 pm