Weekly Gatherings
Children’s Religious Education
Children’s First Day School: 10:50 – 11:30 am most Sundays (classes begin at 10:50 am so that families may attend the first 20 minutes of meeting for worship together).
Childcare for babies and toddlers: 10:30 – 11:30 am most Sundays.
See list of schedule exceptions here.
Adult Religious Education: 9:20-10:20 am, online and in the meetinghouse. for wide ranging discussions and presentations on Quaker faith, practice, history, social concerns, other spiritual perspectives. Check the weekly e-news for topic.
Sunday morning refreshments: after Meeting at 11:30 am, bring finger food or come early or stay late to help prepare or clean up.
Sunday morning greeter: come at 10:15 am to greet and welcome everyone, with special attention to newcomers. Training provided.
Midweek Meeting for Worship: Wednesday evenings, hybrid in the Woolman Room and online , 7:00-8:00 pm discussion and 8:00-8:45 Meeting for Worship. Check the Meetinghouse Calendar for discussion topics.
Weekly work mornings: We work together on a variety of projects to spruce up the buildings and grounds, check the newsletter for times and tasks
Monthly Gatherings
Monthly Potluck: after Meeting for Worship on second and fourth Sundays— food served in Little House, tables set up under eaves, weather permitting, or indoors.
Meeting for Healing: 11:30 am-12:30 pm third Saturday each month, online only.
Friendly 8’s: a group of about eight people who meet about once a month in members’ homes for a meal and an activity agreed on by the group. Groups form in September and usually take the summer off.
Docent for Skyspace openings and other events: host the community at the weekly skyspace openings as well as other scheduled events like weddings, memorial services, community events. Training provided.
Faithfulness Groups: Faithfulness Group participants provide each other ongoing accompaniment and mutual support in discerning divine guidance and being faithful.
Additional Gatherings
Quakerism 101 and 200: Spring and fall multi week classes to deepen and expand understanding of Quaker principles and way of life
Spring and Fall workdays: we work together on a variety of projects to spruce up the buildings and grounds, check the newsletter for times and tasks
Outreach booths: Live Oak Friends participate in various community events where they set up a booth and welcome any members or attenders to join in talking to the public about Live Oak Friends Meeting and Quakers in general
Christmas Candlelighting: a custom begun in 1983 by a family who had spent time in Germany. It has evolved and changed over the years and remains an important part of our community.
Spring and Fall Barter Fairs: Opportunity to share in the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, stewardship, and community by creating a space to practice thinking together in a new way about how we place value on objects and services within our community. Join us in exchanging goods and services without using common currency.