Monthly Potluck and Movie Night–choose from the many offerings at Red Nations Rising in Conroe
For free registration to attend any of these movies, or any other part of the Red Nations Rising event, click here: https://www.rednationsrising.org/event-details/first-annual-red-nations-rising-healing-the-wounds-an-intercultural-interfaith-gathering
Friday, 4/19/24
10 am-12, Film Screening & Discussion: Wiping the Tears of Seven Generation: In December 1990, 300 Lakota Sioux horseback riders rode 250 miles, in two weeks, through bitter, below-zero winter weather, to commemorate the lives lost at the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.
The film interweaves stunningly beautiful contemporary scenes of the ride itself with archival film and photos and expert commentary to illustrate the history of the Lakota and provide an unforgettably poignant account of the events leading up to, including, and following the Wounded Knee Massacre.
2pm-4pm, Film Screening & Discussion: The Peyote Road: This widely acclaimed, landmark documentary was instrumental in the campaign to have Congress overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1990 “Smith” decision, which denied the protection of the First Amendment to the traditional sacramental use of peyote by Indian people.
As timely and relevant today as ever, the film examines the history of European and American religious intolerance — especially toward indigenous peoples — and documents the centuries-old sacramental use of the cactus Peyote in the Americas, where it is integral to the beliefs and ceremonies of one of the oldest and largest Native religions in the Western hemisphere.
The film seamlessly interweaves live-action and archival film footage, historical photographs and paintings, and commentary by members of the Native American church, lawyers, and noted scholars of history, religion, and anthropology.
The film demonstrates how the Court’s decision ultimately threatened the religious freedom of all Americans, and chronicles the successful efforts of the American Indian Religious Freedom Coalition, including the passage of the historic 1994 Amendment to The American Indian Religious Freedom Act that legalized sacramental peyote use.
7pm-9pm, Film Screening & Discussion: Savage Land: Presented by the filmmakers Wilbur (Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho) & Melissa Goodblanket.
When Custer County Police kill 18 year old Cheyenne Arapaho Mah-hi-vist Red Bird Goodblanket in his family’s kitchen, descendants of the Sand Creek and Washita Massacres take us back 150 years to reveal how historical trauma and the horrors of the past are still present in America today.
Wilbur, his wife Melissa and youngest son are subjects of the documentary Savage Land, www.savagelandfilm.com that has received both National and International awards. The film was birthed following the shooting death of 18yr old son, Mah-hi-vist Goodblanket by officers who entered the home. The film shares historical accounts of colonization and the genocide perpetrated by organized religions and the US government on the orginal peoples of this land, shares the acts of genocide that continue today and the importance of healing the wounds we carry.