Wednesday Evening Meeting for Worship

Wednesday evening meetings begin with discussion from 7 till 8 pm, followed by Silent Worship from 8:00 to 8:30. Discussion topics vary. They have been guided by the following schedule, but we feel free to depart from the schedule at times. All meetings are held online via Zoom.

  • First Wednesday: Quaker Dialogues, We quietly consider and then respond to verbal queries that help us explore our spirituality more deeply and become more closely connected with the others in the group. Quaker Dialogues have been a richly fulfilling experience for many of us.
  • Second Wednesday: Music. We play and discuss favorite recordings. We have even shared our own live performances.
  • Third Wednesday: Poetry and Other Written Inspiration. Participants are invited to bring a written source of inspiration to share, including if desired writings of our own. 
  • Fourth Wednesday: Topics vary. At times, we use a book of inspiring quotations for each day of the year compiled by Leo Tolstoy.

We often begin by sharing recent events of our lives, and when new attenders visit, we might discuss the fundamentals of Quaker history and the practice of silent worship.