Quaker Continuing Education
Announcing Quaker Continuing Education-three new courses scheduled as interest and need indicate
All classes are read-in-advance and discuss with the group. All books and materials are borrowed from LOFM, but a notebook or journal may be helpful. Each group will determine when they want to meet, such as Monday evenings, or Sunday afternoons following the regularly scheduled committee meetings. If anyone is interested, send an e-mail to jhouser@compassnet.com, tell her which class you are interested in and the days/times you would prefer. Jane would also welcome co-leaders.
Course descriptions:
Introduction to Quakerism: A one session discussion following individual reading of The Quakers, A Very Short Introduction by Pink Dandelion.
Quakerism 101: An eight or nine session basic introduction to “everything anyone ever wanted to know about Quakers and what they believe.” Reading includes excerpts from five books and several hand-outs followed by discussion with each other. The class is limited to six people because we have six sets of books. The course is most relevant for those who have some experience with meeting for worship. Contact Jane Houser to sign up: jhouser@compassnet.com or if you have questions or concerns. See a sample of the course outline here.
Each session takes about two hours.
Quakerism 200: An in depth look into “Quaker Process,” and meetings’ infrastructure. We will use the new book called Quaker Process, by Mathilda Navias (2012) as well as LOFM’s Procedures Manual and the new (draft) SCYM Faith and Practice.
- Quakerism 101.pdf