Quaker Writers at LOFM
Live Oak has counted many writers of prose and poetry among its members over the years. The best known may be Jan de Hartog and Dee Rogers. There are articles about Jan de Hartog written by another LOFM writer, Ann Sieber, that you can find here and here. Robin McCorquodale, David Wilcox and May Mansoor Munn have also published books available on Amazon and elsewhere. Alice Arndt’s writing took a culinary turn with a book on seasoning and a collection of culinary biographies. We were blessed by Texas’s poet laureate in 1982 and 1988, Vassar Miller, who published ten volumes of poetry between 1956 and 1991. You can find their books in the library in the Little House, along with Meditation Within: A Path to Inner Peace by Laura Holliday and The First Years: A Parents’ and Caregivers’ Guide to Helping Children Learn co-authored by Joanne Go.
In the files below you can find more writings gathered over the years. If you would like to share your creative writings to this collection, send them to outreach@friendshouston.org and we will upload.
- Facilitated by Bette Salmon Drexler.pdf
- Spotting by Cathy Guttentag.pdf
- We_Gathered_Together_by_Ortrud_S._Hauwert.pdf
- Hauwert_marriage_poem.pdf
- Sheliah_Kelly_Jar of Clay_1998.pdf
- Bitter_Christmas by Vassar Miller.pdf
- Confession at a Friends Meeting Vasser Miller.pdf
- Enlightened Selfishness by Vasser Miller.pdf
- A Simple Poet on the Simple Life by Vassar Miller.pdf
- Subterfuge_by_Vassar_Miller.pdf
- Eggs by Bill Mize.pdf
- Grief like a Tsunami by Bill Mize, 2005.pdf
- Nightmare by Bill Mize, 2006.pdf
- Openings by Bill Mize.pdf
- Ruth Sonnet by Bill Mize.pdf
- You Are the Stillness by Bill Mize.pdf
- Mueller_Live_Oak_poem.pdf
- Doggerel Rhyme by Albert Munn.pdf
- 1996_Morning_Prayer_by_Albert_Munn.pdf
- Overwhelmed by the Light by Wendy Sims.pdf
- Jan de Hartog - HPress Nov 18, 1993 optimized copy.pdf